Celebrate Lughnasadh with an invigorating blend of herbs, flowers and berries for wellness and vitality.
Lughnasadh / Lammas, usually celebrated August 1 to honor the first harvest of the season. This is the halfway point between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox.
Lughnasadh is the Gaelic name for this celebration and means 'Lugh's Gathering'. Lughnasadh sources from a combination of the Irish god Lugh, wise warrior hero/God of light/sun, and 'nasad' which means 'gathering or assembly'. Lammas is the Anglo-Saxon name for the festival and is a contraction of the phrase 'loaf mass' celebrating the first harvest of grains.
Lughnasadh Tea (Handmade with Organic & Wild Crafted Ingredients) Meadowsweet, Elderberries, Lemon Balm and Rose Petals.
Makes 20-25 cups.
Collections: Herbal Tea Blends