New Hours: Friday, Saturday and Monday ~ Open 10AM to 8PM

Byron Ballard

Western NC native, witch, teacher and writer. Byron does workshops at the Appalachian Studies Association annual conference, the Conference on Current Pagan Studies, Rites of Spring, Florida Pagan Gathering, Gaia’s Womb, Glastonbury Goddess Conference, Hexfest, Pagan Spirit Gathering, Pagan Unity Festival, Sacred Feminine Rising, Sacred Space, Scottish Pagan Federation, Sisters Rising, Starwood, Trees of Avalon. She is a senior priestess and co-founder of Mother Grove Goddess Temple and the Coalition of Earth Religions/CERES, both in Asheville, NC.
Her books include Staubs and Ditchwater (2012), Asfidity and Mad-Stones (2015), Embracing Willendorf (2017), Earth Works (2018), Roots, Branches, and Spirits (2021), Seasons of a Magical Life (2021), and Small Magics (Fall, 2023) and upcoming book  Feral Church (2024), The Ragged Wound: Tending the Soul of Appalachia.
Byron does a weekly podcast on Appalachian life and ways, with Alicia Corbin Knighten, called Wyrd Mountain Gals. It’s available wherever you get your podcasts.