Calamus & Honey Essence of Bend Over Oil (1oz)

Calamus & Honey


  An old time hoodoo formula used to bend another to your will . Usually aimed towards a lover, boss, co-worker, or competitor so that they will wish to please you. Use on purple candles carved with the targets name so they do as you say and comply when you ask a favor. Wear the oil when you are around the person whose mind you want to influence, dress personal concerns, add to mop water used in rooms they frequent. Works really well on skull candles, figure candles and doll magic.

Calamus, Bergamot, and Frankincense Essential Oils and other ingredients.

Disclaimer: Contains essential oils. A skin test is recommended prior to use. Do not ingest. We have not had any issues thus far. However, we are not responsible for any reactions you may have to our products.

Carrier oils we use are fractionated coconut oil, sweet almond oil, mineral oil and olive oil.

Collections: Calamus & Honey

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