Mullein is burned to provide protection and thinning of the veil to create a sacred space for our ritual of intent to have a landscape of clarity and purity. Beeswax is used to summon the deep buzzing of the chthonic nature of our mothers, to which the seeds can be planted. The herbs used are curated specifically for the time of Imbolc. Chamomile for cleansing and welcoming the light, Lavender for calming the nervous system and clarity of our intentions that we set, Rose for the passion and love that we hold dear as we create the perfect landscape in the belly for our seeds.
These beautifully handcrafted beeswax torches are crafted by Raven and Crone staff. They are curated to represent the torch held through the darkness as we choose to dive deep into our spiritual journeys. Hag torches also known as Witches Torches, Witches Candle, Mullein Torch, Hag Taper, and so on and so forth. These Torches are meant to be used outside in a fire safe space designated for fire. They burn big and bright. They melt hot and have a huge flame. To start the torch hold a flame to the tip once it catches secure it into the earth in the fire safe spot. At that point you can carry on with your ritual prayers and incantations.
Large Mullein Torches range from 10-13 inches long
Medium Mullein Torches range from 6-9 inches long
Each Mullein Torch is handmade, therefore the appearance can very slightly.