On March 20th, 2025, pagans, witches, and nature lovers will celebrate Ostara, the Spring Equinox. Days are really beginning to stretch out, and the crocuses and snowdrops are being joined by daffodils, bluebells, and hyacinths. We are breaking out of our Winter hibernation and embracing the warm season. Around the Spring Equinox, we start preparing our garden beds, physical and spiritual, for a full season of growing.
What is the Significance of The Spring Equinox?
The Spring Equinox occurs around the same time each year, give or take a few days. It marks the exact moment the Sun sits perfectly over the equator as it moves North towards the Tropic of Cancer. This means that on the Spring Equinox, the daylight hours are equal to the nighttime hours. On the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, this day corresponds with Ostara, the fourth Sabbat. It is the balancing point between the barren winter and the hot summer.
Astrologically, the Spring Equinox hails the Sun's arrival in the sign of Aries. The first sign in the Zodiac, Aries marks the beginning of a new astrological year. Being a Cardinal sign, Aries initiates the astrological season of Spring (comprised of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini). Aries season is about possibility and action, its energy is hot and impulsive. We will get a boost of courage and motivation during this time, which is great for starting new projects and setting goals for the future.
How Do Pagans Celebrate the Spring Equinox?
There are many ways that pagans and witches can celebrate the Spring Equinox or Ostara. A Spring Cleaning ritual is popular among witches around this time of year. Our Ostara oil can be used to anoint your cleaning tools or be added to an herbal wash to clear out the stale energy in your home and make way for peace and abundance. Similar to the secular Easter tradition, you may try dying Ostara eggs, a symbol of fertility and abundance that corresponds to the rebirthing of the natural world around us. You can use dyed eggs as decoration for your altar or sacred space. This is a great ritual to do alone, or with friends and family. In any case, spending time outdoors is always a good idea for these warm Sabbat days. Give offerings to the land spirits in your area while enjoying a walk in nature.
Think back to Imbolc, and the seeds you planted around that time. We should begin seeing the blooming of those seeds around the Spring Equinox. During Ostara, we take spiritual stock of those seeds, which ones are thriving, and which ones need more attention. Now is the time to make any adjustments in our spiritual garden before the fullness of Summer rushes upon us. Meditate on those intentions, and invite the Aries energy into your life as we move forward into the warm season. As always, you can find all the tools you need for your practice in our online shop or at our brick-and-mortar in Asheville.